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Tax and your website: What can you claim? Most small businesses and independent contractors have a website these days. If you are planning to launch a new website or refreshing an existing one, it’s important to understand the tax implications. As with all things tax, it’s not always easy. Read more
Small financial steps add up Sometimes, when thinking about your long-term financial goals, they can seem so big as to be insurmountable. But the truth is, those that achieve financial success don’t usually do so by encountering a sudden windfall. Rather, they have in place a set of small habits that allow them to work towards their dreams. And by investing small amounts over the long-term, they see big outcomes. Read more
Financial rules to live by in 2019 Australia has enjoyed almost three decades of economic sunshine. But it’s worth remembering that dark clouds can appear without warning over both individuals and economies.
You may have little control over being caught up in a round of redundancies or experiencing the fallout of an international trade war. But you can choose to manage your finances in a way that lets you keep your head above water come what may. Read more
You may have little control over being caught up in a round of redundancies or experiencing the fallout of an international trade war. But you can choose to manage your finances in a way that lets you keep your head above water come what may. Read more
Is your dream retirement in reach? Planning your dream retirement can be an exciting time. The chance to travel overseas or around Australia without having to rush back to work, time to pursue new hobbies, learn a language or spend time with the grandkids. The possibilities are endless, but what will it cost? Read more