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Paving the way for a smooth EOFY As the end of the financial year draws closer, thoughts turn to tax. No doubt you can think of more enjoyable ways to spend your time than preparing for your annual tax return. So how can you streamline the process while ensuring you take advantage of all the claims that are possible? Read more
Keeping up with the Joneses: Is it holding you back? These days, the phenomenon of keeping up with the Joneses is more pervasive than ever. The constant bombardment of images from advertisers, as well as our friends and family via social media is making Australians feel pressured to maintain a certain lifestyle, often to the detriment of their long-term financial goals. In fact, new research reveals that over a third of Australians feel burdened by the pressure to keep up appearances.i Read more
Guide to travel-related work expenses Travelling for work can be expensive, whether it’s visiting clients in your home town or attending a conference overseas, so it’s important to claim everything you are entitled to in your tax return. But be aware that the ATO is paying increasing attention to claims in this area. Read more
How much super is enough? Most of us dream of the day we can stop working and start ticking off our bucket list. Whether you dream of cruising Alaska, watching the sun rise over Uluru, improving your golf handicap or spending time with the grandkids, superannuation is likely to be a major source of your retirement income. Read more