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Working together to combat burnout If both your first and last task of the day is to check your emails, you’re not alone. Contemporary work culture, spurred on by advances in technology, has meant that we are expected to always be “on”. Gone are the days of the 9-5. Many of us work at all hours, possibly even holding down side gigs, and that’s before we take into account the labour we perform in other areas of our lives. Read more
Time for an annual financial tune-up? Checking in on your goals, finances and health
We don’t think twice about taking our car in for a regular tune up. Why? Because we know it’s going to mean our car runs at its best and saves unexpected problems down the track. It follows then that we should take the same approach to other areas of our lives. From our goals, to our finances, to our health, there’s so much to be gained in checking in regularly to make sure everything’s tracking well. Read more
We don’t think twice about taking our car in for a regular tune up. Why? Because we know it’s going to mean our car runs at its best and saves unexpected problems down the track. It follows then that we should take the same approach to other areas of our lives. From our goals, to our finances, to our health, there’s so much to be gained in checking in regularly to make sure everything’s tracking well. Read more