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Putting recent returns into perspective While 2021-2022 may not have been a stellar year for the majority of investors, it's worth remembering that the worst performing asset class one year can be the best the next, and vice versa. That's why successful investing benefits from having a good balance. Read more
Interest rates and investing What are interest rates?
The interest rate is the amount a borrower pays for borrowing money from a lender, which is why it's often referred to as the cost of borrowing.
Conversely, the interest rate is also the amount earned on money deposited into a bank or financial institution, also known as the rate of return. Read more
The interest rate is the amount a borrower pays for borrowing money from a lender, which is why it's often referred to as the cost of borrowing.
Conversely, the interest rate is also the amount earned on money deposited into a bank or financial institution, also known as the rate of return. Read more
4 tips for getting superannuation payments right Getting superannuation contributions right is an important element of any employers end of financial year period. These tips will guide you on the right path.
Superannuation contributions have been compulsory for three decades in Australia, and as the years have ticked over, the requirements have evolved quite substantially. Read more
Superannuation contributions have been compulsory for three decades in Australia, and as the years have ticked over, the requirements have evolved quite substantially. Read more