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Why an emergency fund delivers peace of mind When life tosses up an unexpected event – such as retrenchment, a medical emergency or even just a big bill to fix the car – it can be nerve-wracking worrying about how to deal with the crisis. And, if funds are short, that just adds to the stress.
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Retirement planning: it’s not all about the money Retirement is often a massive life change for the majority of people who experience it. Most of us will have mixed emotions around the end of our working life and the beginning of our 'second half'. For some it will be a relief, and something they have long planned for and are looking forward to, but for others it will be a source of anxiety. This anxiety could be due to many factors including, but not limited to, concerns around the potential for running out of money, feelings associated with a lack of confidence or a lack of control and other factors we will discuss here. Read more
How to get super ready for EOFY Superannuation has dominated recent headlines, with proposed changes announced by Treasurer Jim Chalmers. While the details of these changes still need to be released, it’s worthwhile turning our focus to superannuation balances as we approach the end of financial year. Read more
Illegal early SMSF access on ATO’s radar Since the Albanese Government announced its intention to double the tax on investment earnings for super account balances over $3 million, there has been lots of talk about taking money out of self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) to avoid the tax hikes. Read more