Financial Planning
Is your business financially fit? The secret to a successful business is to make sure you are not just working IN your business but that you are also working ON your business. As the end of the financial year approaches, there’s no better time to give your business a financial fitness check.
Of course, the best policy is to continually monitor how your business is faring throughout the year. But if you’ve been caught up in the day-to-day management then now is a good time to get back on track because you will be looking at your figures for tax time anyway. Read more
Of course, the best policy is to continually monitor how your business is faring throughout the year. But if you’ve been caught up in the day-to-day management then now is a good time to get back on track because you will be looking at your figures for tax time anyway. Read more
Keeping up with the Joneses: Is it holding you back? These days, the phenomenon of keeping up with the Joneses is more pervasive than ever. The constant bombardment of images from advertisers, as well as our friends and family via social media is making Australians feel pressured to maintain a certain lifestyle, often to the detriment of their long-term financial goals. In fact, new research reveals that over a third of Australians feel burdened by the pressure to keep up appearances.i Read more
Decoding real estate agent speak First-home buyers (and even second- and third-home buyers) are often baffled by the jargon used by real estate industry professionals. This can result in expensive misunderstandings unless you take the time to learn the lingo.
Here are some frequently misunderstood terms and concepts you should familiarise yourself with before you begin searching for your dream home. Read more
Here are some frequently misunderstood terms and concepts you should familiarise yourself with before you begin searching for your dream home. Read more
Tax and your website: What can you claim? Most small businesses and independent contractors have a website these days. If you are planning to launch a new website or refreshing an existing one, it’s important to understand the tax implications. As with all things tax, it’s not always easy. Read more
Small financial steps add up Sometimes, when thinking about your long-term financial goals, they can seem so big as to be insurmountable. But the truth is, those that achieve financial success don’t usually do so by encountering a sudden windfall. Rather, they have in place a set of small habits that allow them to work towards their dreams. And by investing small amounts over the long-term, they see big outcomes. Read more